Dental health is vital

  • Pregnancy and Tooth whitening: What You Need to Know

    25 July 2016

    If you are pregnant and unhappy about the colour of your teeth, you may be considering undergoing a tooth whitening procedure. It has been reported that using chemicals to whiten your teeth during pregnancy may not be a safe choice. For this reason, you are unlikely to find a cosmetic dentist who will be willing to perform the procedure during pregnancy. However, you do have some other options which you can use to whiten your smile while pregnant.

  • Before You Throw Out The Baking Soda

    12 July 2016

    Cleaning the pantry is necessary because you occasionally need to get rid of ingredients that have outlived their shelf-life or because mum says you've got to do it. During the cleaning exercise, you're likely to bump into a box of baking soda, or perhaps two. If it's not expired, here's what you should before you send baking soda flying into the trash bin. Bake Yourself Something You should reward yourself for a job well done.

  • 3 Non-Surgical Ways to Restore Your Smile

    20 June 2016

    Having good teeth and a shining smile can really help to change the way you see yourself and give yourself confidence a boost. If you have discoloured or misshapen teeth, you might be embarrassed to smile in public and avoid situations in which people might see your teeth. However, there are a range of non-surgical dental treatments which can restore your smile and your confidence. Advancements in dentistry mean that these treatments don't cause too much pain or take too much time to complete.

  • Reasons You May Require a Root Canal

    3 June 2016

    A root canal is a form of treatment administered by an endodontist to remedy an infected tooth. The procedure constitutes the removal of the tooth's pulp followed by subsequent cleaning and sterilisation to prevent further infection. Once the procedure is complete, the endodontist will seal the tooth. When most people think of root canal therapy, they tend to associate it with tooth decay. Although this is one of the common causes, it is not the only reason why you may need to get this type of treatment.

  • How to Keep Your Smile Bright After Teeth Whitening

    18 May 2016

    Whether you've had your teeth whitened in the dentist's chair or through the use of an at-home treatment, you want to make sure you maintain that bright smile for as long as possible. After all, you didn't pay all that money to quickly have discoloured teeth again. The key to achieving this is to develop some new habits that can be carried forward into the future, meaning you'll always have a smile that will be the envy of others.

  • How Loose Teeth Can Be Treated

    28 April 2016

    There is ample cause for worry when the tooth of an adult becomes loose. This is because once an adult tooth is lost, it doesn't grow back. However, not all is lost once you develop loose teeth. Dentists can take a number of steps to treat the condition based on the underlying cause of that looseness. This article discusses some of those measures that may be taken in case you have loose teeth.

  • Can Microabrasion Fix Fluorosis Stains on Your Teeth?

    13 April 2016

    If you were exposed to too much fluoride when you were a young child, your adult teeth may have been affected and you may have fluorosis damage or stains. While some minor fluorosis stains don't affect the cosmetic appearance of your teeth too much, others may be an unsightly brown colour that makes your teeth look badly discoloured. Your dentist may be able to fix these stains with microabrasion. How does this treatment work and will it fix your fluorosis stains?