Dental health is vital

  • Great methods to whiten your teeth at home

    18 November 2015

    Many people desire to have whiter teeth. Over the course of time, teeth can become stained due to a number of factors such as a lack of cleaning and smoking stains. More than ever before, people are turning to over the counter products in order to try and improve their overall appearance by whitening their teeth. However, a lot of these over the counter products have a number of chemicals in them which potentially may not be healthy for the human body.

  • Dental Care: Habits That Misalign Your Teeth And That You Should Avoid

    26 October 2015

    Teeth appearance bears an effect on an individual's self-esteem. Misaligned teeth in particular can deny you a good time with friends, because you may be afraid to open your mouth too often or too wide. Fortunately, misalignment can be easily corrected with braces, and in extreme cases, surgery. But did you know that some alignment problems such as overbite are born out of pretty common avoidable habits? Types of Teeth Misalignments

  • The Pitfalls of Dental Tourism (and How You Can Avoid Them)

    5 October 2015

    Naturally, there's something rather alluring about the idea of dental tourism. You combine an exotic holiday with that dental work you've probably been putting off for a while, with Thailand and India becoming preferred destinations for dental tourism. The savings can be significant, as a dental clinic in certain developing countries will have dramatically lower operating costs than their Australian counterparts. Even when you consider the costs of flights and accommodation, you can still save a huge amount of money when compared to the cost of the same dental procedure in Australia.

  • Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist About Invisalign

    31 August 2015

    When you first learn about Invisalign as an orthodontic treatment to give you the straighter smile you've always wanted, it is very easy to get excited about it all and be eager to book the appointment and get started with the procedure. When you want something fixed about yourself, and you find a relatively simple way of doing it, don't you just want to hurry up and get it started? 

  • How To Choose An Affordable Dentist

    4 August 2015

    If you think that you or your child are in need of braces, ensure that you find an affordable dentist who has the skill and training to give you a beautiful and healthy smile. Because your mouth will be in their hands, so to speak, you should compare dentists and ask as many questions as you wish about the treatment you will receive, before you make your final decision. Treatment Plan

  • Top tips for new mothers planning to visit the dentist

    7 July 2015

    Your dental care routine is likely to change considerably after your child is born, as your dental hygiene schedule becomes less predictable and your meal times more erratic. It is at this time that a dental visit is most important, to prevent further dental problems in the future so you can focus all your attention on your newborn. Let's look at some helpful tips for visiting the dentist as a new mum:

  • How to Make Sure Your Child Will Properly Brush Their Teeth

    9 June 2015

    Making sure your children effectively brush their teeth two times a day is crucial to ensure their future oral health. Bad habits are difficult to break, so follow this guide to ensure that your child takes care of their teeth as well as possible. Start Early You should really start attending to a child's teeth as soon as the first one comes in. Use a clean, damp cloth to rub around the gums, and then switch to a small toothbrush with soft bristles once more start coming through, remembering to use only a pea-sized amount of non-fluoride toothpaste.