Dental health is vital

  • Gum Recession Solutions: Why Have Pinhole Surgery?

    3 October 2019

    If you have gum recession, then you may need periodontal treatment. Too much gum loss looks unattractive, it increases sensitivity and it can lead to tooth damage. While you can't make lost gum grow again, your periodontist can help restore it. Typically, this involves taking a graft of skin from the roof of your mouth and stitching it to the reduced area of gum. The graft then grows into the tissue you have left.

  • Incredible Tips for Choosing the Right Ways to Whiten and Brighten Your Smile

    12 July 2019

    White teeth are strikingly appealing, very attractive, and are the reason why cosmetic dentistry is gaining popularity among different people of all genders and age. Teeth whitening not only compliments your appearance but also restores that bright smile that you always wish for. Teeth whitening is good for people with discoloured teeth, and it is recommended for only people with healthy teeth and gums that do not have artificial fillings. Below are amazing tips to guide you to choose the best methods to whiten your teeth and enhance the brightness of your smile.

  • How to Use Figs to Ease Denture Sore Discomfort

    27 May 2019

    If your dentures rub on your mouth, then you may get areas that hurt or that even develop into sores. If you are in some discomfort but don't have anything in your medicine cabinet that might ease the pain, then you may have a natural remedy at home that could help. For example, fresh figs may take the sting out of denture sores. How does this work, and is it a long-term solution for denture care?

  • 6 Ways to Make Tooth Whitening Treatments Last

    24 January 2019

    Tooth whitening procedures can produce dramatic results, but many people find that their newly bright smile quickly fades. To extend the effects of professional teeth whitening treatments, follow these six tips. 1. Abstain From Smoking Smoking is notorious for causing yellowish stains to build up on teeth. However, other ways of getting your nicotine fix, such as vaping or using a nicotine patch, do not have the same effect. Use one of these methods to help you wean yourself off cigarettes.

  • Wisdom Teeth Removal: Why Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Problems Prompting Removal?

    28 December 2018

    Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to appear in your mouth, and they appear between the ages of 17 and 25. For many people there are not any issues as wisdom teeth emerge; however, it is common for this process to be painful, cause infection and cause a great amount of discomfort. The issue arises when the jaw cannot accommodate the teeth properly, resulting in only a portion of the teeth erupting.

  • Why Do You Need a Gum Operation Before Your Crown Is Fitted?

    29 November 2018

    If you have a damaged tooth, then your dentist will either want to extract the tooth or restore it. If restoration is an option, then your dentist may recommend that you have the tooth drilled down and covered with a crown. While crowning is a straightforward procedure, the state of the tooth itself impacts how well the treatment works. For example, your dentist may tell you that you need to have minor crown lengthening surgery on the gum above the tooth before they fit a crown.

  • Knocked-out tooth: Emergency measures to take

    26 September 2018

    Whether the consequence of an accident, contact sports or biting on hard foods and candies, mouth injuries may cause your teeth to become broken or knocked out. A knocked-out tooth, also referred to as an avulsed tooth in dental terms, is a very serious dental emergency and may turn your world upside down until you get dental help from a dentist. Nevertheless, the good news is that there's a good chance that the knocked-out tooth can be saved and successfully re-implanted if you act quickly.